Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dexter - Creative

Dexter - A new series that is on air has captured my attention only because of this title track! An amazing creative that portrays the protagonist's deep rooted traits! Its awesome how his daily routine activities are  captured in a way that every move can be linked to murder methods! I just love the way you come to know everything this serial has to offer in less than 2 mins! That's what you call an original pure creation! :-)

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

जीव रंगला - जोगवा

One of the boldest songs Marathi Films has seen till date. I love everything about this song, its tune, lyrics, singers and yes, the video... Absolutely subtle and gives the perfect glimpse of the movie its featured in! For those of you who haven't seen the movie, its definitely a "must watch". 

p.s: It's sad to see inhibitions, superstitions and traditions disgrace human species even in the 21st century!

भगवानदास माहौर (स्मृतिदिन १२ मार्च १९७९)

में विद्रोही हूँ उत्पीड़क सत्ता को ललकार रहा हूँ  खूब समझता हूँ में खुद ही अपनी मौत पुकार रहा हूँ  मेरे शोणितकी लालीसे कुछ तो लाल धरा हो...